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The summer heat can become unbearable in numerous areas of the country. we all want to encourage our kids to stay fit and active but it can be challenging to get them outside when the temperatures soar. If your kids’ birthdays fall during the summer months wouldn’t it be great to have an affordable, active party away from the heat? الآن انت تستطيع!
Pump It Up, the nation’s largest franchise of indoor inflatable playgrounds specializing in private parties for birthdays, and programs, such as corporate events, school outings, field trips and other events, and The healthy mothers magazine want you and your kids to have a “weatherproof” birthday party. below are a few suggestions from Pump It Up:
“1) Halloween in the Summer
Having a costume themed party In the middle of the summer is good surprise for kids who only expect a fun Halloween party in the month of October. let your child choose a theme for the party and then put together a fun haunted house in the garage.
2) Craft Party
For girls, a jewelry making get-together can be an fun, bonding experience. For boys, offer the group of kids with some leggos and let them build their own creatures or buildings. Then, each child can take home what they made!
3) A night at the Movies
Turn your home into a decked out film theater. create a candy station and a popcorn bar, just like you would see it at the movies. set up a pretend register where kids use play money to purchase their candy and treats. That way, they won’t be able to over-indulge in the treats and they’ll be using their math skills.
4) Scavenger Hunt
Split the group of kids up into two groups. have them go on a scavenger hunt using different clues and activities that will lead them to the special treasure (i.e. cake or goodie bags).
5) indoor Inflatable Party
For a stress-free party, take your group of 10 children or less to Pump It Up, the nation’s largest indoor inflatable playground. The facility’s new ‘Perfect 10’ parties are ideal for intimate birthday parties and gatherings where children can stay active and have fun indoors during the hot summer months.”
The healthy mothers magazine and Pump It Up are giving away 4 Pump It Up “Pop-In-Play” passes to one lucky reader. This contest is open to us residents only and the last day to enter is July 25, 2011 at midnight PST.
Related 10 distinct last-minute gifts for healthy Moms
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About This Author
Cascia Talbert is a busy blogger, publisher, freelance writer, online merchant and mother of five children, living in The Pacific Northwest. مع بكالوريوس in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The healthy mothers magazine in 2007. The healthy mothers magazine is currently ranked the top health blog for mothers and features several health expert writers and mother bloggers. Ms. Talbert believes that if mothers are well educated on health issues and how to stay healthy, they can pass that information down to their children and reverse the childhood obesity statistics in the U.S.
Ms. Talbert is a featured health blogger at and her articles can also be found on She also runs the heaتدير الشبكة الاجتماعية للأمهات على نينغ ، وتدير متجر صحة وعافية من أمي ، وهي في مجلس إدارة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لتحدي العافية في أمريكا.
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